Sunday 19 December 2010

Sunday morning muse

The view from my bedroom window is a scene from Narnia, pure white snow over the fields for miles, very inspiring. So inspiring in fact that for the first time in months I painted some figures. Three Gripping Beast plastic Vikings got a coat of paint and some ink, indeed I have not painted for so long I was worried they would look totally pants but in fact they are passable.
On the subject of plastics I waited for years for plastic historicals only to be very disapointed by what was offered. Wargames factory zombies were awful (I still have bought two packs though) and the Perry twins made their figures a miniature form of torture with far too much detail on sculpts that were too small.....
Things are improving though, Gripping Beast figures are more sensible in size and detail than any other manufacturer-though if the Perries were to produce some first world war figures in plastic I would forgive them. The perfect plastic figure to my mind would be Copplestone as his works are masterful, Chinese for the Back of Beyond please Mark.
I will put a pic up of the three Norsemen later-how does any one base them? I dont play WHAB so advice would be good-single bases or go for the multi based diorama look with a 20mm frontage?
Oh well I'm off to dig the snow away from the car....humbug!

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